My Tokyo Photo Diary distracting the boredom!



Tomioka hachimangu

Tomioka Hachimangu was founded with the oracle by the present location called the permanent
island(EITAIJIMA 永代島) those days for Kanei era four years (1627).

It is "the Hachiman shrine of the Edo maximum" which collects the faith which is loved with
"the Hachiman shrine of Fukagawa" at a world, and does not still change a long time ago also, either.




Children’s Day is soon!

Children's Day(kodomo no Hi) is a Japanese national holiday
 which takes place annuallyon May 5.

It is a day set aside to respect children's personalities and to celebrate their happiness.

It was designated a national holiday by the Japanese government in 1948.

The cake which modeled the carp 

In Japan,a carp streamer is decorated with many houses in which a boy is present
 on Children's Day. 

Is it WHY??

a carp streamer

※写真提供 By【コドモ環境教育図書館】
If "竜門 (waterfall of the torrent called)" which exists in the style of yellow river in China has been reached.

It is said that it was said that a carp became a dragon. 

And then, 

"May win [ the children be healthy, grow up in good health, grow up quickly.... ] a promotion!" 

It is said that the wish to say is put and it came to hang up a carp streamer.


Isetan’s roof  garden

Isetan is the department store representing Tokyo Japan、

and the flagship shop is located in Shinjyuku now.

Isetan inaugurated an enterprise as a shop dealing in fabrics for kimono in Tokyo in Meiji 19.

Now, it have a open space  located on the roof and a shopper can relax.

Open space on the roof

 Papas and children do not get bored with  a mama's shopping.

Many buildings in Shinjyuku 

The other department store and the building in Shinjuku appear from here.

Isetan’s map  ← crick here !

 beautiful flowers on this roof